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  • Impart, promote and spread education of Magic Art and other Traditional Arts.
  • Provide professional and technical education in the field of Magical and other Traditional Arts.
  • Publish magazines, books and journals for the promotion of Magical Art.
  • Conduct workshops, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and performances of Traditional Arts in India and Abroad.
  • Promote the spirit of National integration, universal brotherhood, moral and social education through the performance of these Traditional Arts.
  • Co-ordinate and unite all the Magic Associations and other Traditional Art Performers.
  • Build magic villages/homes/open Air theatre/ Indoor theatre and Haats for traditional and performing Arts of India.
  • Provide libraries, reading rooms for the benefits of students and general public for promoting the Magic Art.
  • Work for the educational upliftment of the rural and general public.
  • Offer prizes and grant scholarships and stipends in furtherance of the objects of the society.
Untitled Document
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